Sex, and Sexuality. If any aspect of your relationship with sex, and/or sexuality is confusing or difficult, I can offer a safe space for you to speak freely, without judgment. As a postgrad psychosexual therapy student I am able to provide bespoke support in this area. Please see Here for further details/examples.

Salford Counselling Latest news

Pressures of School Holidays for Parents and How to Cope: A Counsellors Perspective

16th July 2024
School holidays can be a double-edged sword for parents. On the one hand, they provide a break from the daily grind of school routines, but on the other hand, they can introduce a whole new set of pressures. As a counsellor, I've seen firsthand how these periods can become a source of stress. If this rings true with you, please get in touch for a confidential chat.Here's a look at parents' typical

Why Do I Feel Anxious?

9th July 2024
Feeling anxious is common and can be perplexing. As a counsellor, I often help individuals understand why they feel anxious and how to cope. In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind anxiety, its symptoms, its causes, and some practical coping strategies.What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a natural response to stress or perceived danger, manifesting as worry, nervousness, or fear. While it’s normal

Top Relationship Issues Couples Face: Insights from a Counsellors Perspective

25th June 2024
Relationships can be incredibly fulfilling, but they are also complex and require effort from both partners. As a counsellor, I see various challenges that partnerships face, and understanding these issues is the first step toward addressing and overcoming them. Here are some of the most common relationship problems I encounter in my practice, along with insights and advice on navigating.1. Communication

Sunlight, Vitamin D, and Mental Health: A Bright Connection

16th June 2024
Sunlight, Vitamin D, and Mental Health: A Bright Connection As the days get longer and the sun shines more, many feel a natural pull to spend time outside. This isn't just about enjoying the warmth; it's also about getting the mental health benefits from sunlight and the vitamin D it helps our bodies make.Why Sunlight and Vitamin D Matter: Sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D, often called

7 Signs That You May Benefit From Counselling

6th June 2024
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs; sometimes, the challenges can feel overwhelming. Recognising when you might benefit from counselling is crucial to mental well-being. Here are seven signs that it might be time to seek professional help.1) Persistent Sadness or AnxietyIt might be more than a temporary mood if you constantly feel sad, anxious, or overwhelmed without an apparent reason. Persistent

Students going home for Christmas

6th December 2020
Thousands of university students are going back home this week for Christmas; three weeks earlier than they had planned. The term is being cut short due to the government announcement that all students

Financial worries and job security

29th June 2020
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, financial worries have been at the forefront of our minds, causing anxiety for people. The Government report that we are in a recession which means the economy has taken a huge hit. With jobs on the line, people working from home, and essential workers having to make decisions made on financial rather than safety, money can be tight. 1.3 million people have claimed

Employment for graduates

29th June 2020
During the coronavirus pandemic, students have continued to work hard to meet required deadlines and graduation. A lot of final year students are now looking for employment but because of the economy,

Coronavirus – End of Education

11th May 2020
With the closure of schools due to coronavirus, people are wondering if this means the end of education for the academic year. Children in their final year at school and young people who should be sitting A-level exams are worried about the next step in their career whether that be into a job, college or university. University students are worrying about job prospects when they finish their degree

Relationships in lockdown

31st March 2020
We are all still coming to terms with this new way of being. Stay at home is the very clear message. But what to do if staying at home is not necessarily an easy thing to do? Are you used to being busy and finding the transition to being at home with people really difficult? Maybe your relationships were strained before this, perhaps you are living in a small space, feeling claustrophobic, anxious
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